Popular Chat 

Been to the chat rooms or similar places and didn't understand all the lingo?  The abbreviations and their meanings?  Well fret no more help is here!!  Not that I spend a lot of time in them, I have had people ask me what a lot of those abbreviations are and through some research I have put together this list.

(All most)

AFAIK - As far as I know
AFK - Away from keyboard
AKA - Also know as
ASAP - As soon as possible
B4 - Before
BAK - Back at keyboard
BBL - Be Back Later
BBS - Be Back Soon
BCNU - Be seeing you
BFN - Bye for now
BRB - Be Right Back
BTDT - Been There Done That
BTW - By the Way
CU - See you
CUL - See you Later
CUL8R - See you later
DYJHIW - Don't you just hate it when...
EG - Evil grin
ETLA - Extended three letter acronym
F2F - Face to face
FYA - For your amusement
FYI - For your information
G - Grin
GA - Go ahead
GBH - Great big hug
GBH&K - Great big hug & kiss
GR&D - Grinning, running & ducking
H - Hug
HB - Hug back
HH - Holding hands
HHOJ/K - Ha Ha, Only Joking/Kidding
HHOS - Ha Ha, Only Serious
HIWTH - Hate it when that happens
IAE - In any event
IDK - I don't know
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In my not so humble opinion
IMO - In my opinion
IOW - In other words
IRL - In Real Life
IYKWIM - If you know what I mean
JAM - Just a Minute
JASE - Just another system error
J/K - Just kidding
K - Kiss
KB - Kiss back
KOTC - Kiss on the cheek
L8R - Later
L - Laugh

LMAO - Laughing my a** off
LOL - Laughs Out Loud
LYLAB/S - Love You Like A Brother/Sister NIFOC - Naked in Front of Computer
NRN - No reply necessary
OBTW - Oh, by the way
OIC - Oh, I see
OTOH - On the other hand
OTT - Over the Top
PD - Public domain
PMJI - Pardon me, Jumping in (when you interrupt a conversation)
PMFJI - Pardon me for jumping in (same as above)
PITA - Pain in the a**
POTC - Peck on the cheekREHI - Hello again
PRW - Parents are Watching
RFD - Request for discussion
ROTFL - Rolling on the Floor Laughing (also ROFL)
ROTFLMAO - Roll on the floor laughing my a** off
RSN - Real soon now
RUOK - Are you OK?
S - Smile
SB - Smiles back
SITD - Still in the dark
SO - Significant other
SW - Shareware
SYL - See you later
TANSTAAFL - There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TARFU - Things are really foobared up
TGIF - Thank God it's Friday
TIA - Thanks in advance
TIC - Tongue in cheek
TLA - Three letter acronym
TNX - Thanks
TNX 1.0E6 - Thanks a million
TTFN - Ta Ta for Now
TTYL - Talk to You Later
VEG - Very evil grin
VES - Very evil smile
VWG - Very wicked grin
VWS - Very wicked smile
W - Wink
WG - Wicked grin
WRT - With regard to (also with respect to)
WTH - What the heck
YKYBOTLW - You know you've been on-line too long when...