
The Smell of Rain                                                                page2

There was never a moment when Danae suddenly grew stronger.  But as the weeks went by, she did slowly gain an ounce of weight here and an ounce of strength there.  At last, when Danae turned two months old, her parents were able to hold her in their arms for the very first time.  And two month later, though doctors continued to gently but grimly warn that her chances of surviving , much less living any kind of normal life, were next to zero, Danae went home from the hospital, just as her mother had predicted.

Today, Danae is a petite but feisty young girl with glittering gray eyes and an unquenchable zest for life.  She shows no signs, whatsoever, of any mental or physical impairments.  Simply she is everything a little girl can be and more-but that happy ending is far from the end of her story.

One blistering afternoon in the summer of 1996 near her home in Irving , Texas, Danae was sitting in her mother's lap in the bleachers of a local ball park where her brother Dustin's baseball team was practicing.  As always, Danae was chattering non-stop with her mother and several other adults sitting nearby when she suddenly fell silent.  Hugging her arms across her chest, Danae asked, "Do you smell that?"  Smelling the air and detecting the approach of a thunderstorm, Diana replied, "Yes, it smells like rain."

Danae closed her eyes and again asked "Do you smell that?"  Once again her mother replied, "Yes, I think we're about to get wet, it smells like rain."

Still caught in the moment, Danae shook her head, patted her thin shoulders with her small hands and loudly announced. "No, it smells like Him. It smells like God when you lay your head on His chest."

Tears blurred Diana's eyes as Danae then happily hopped down to play with the other children.  Before the rains came, her daughter's words confirmed what Diana and all the members of the extended Blessing family had known, at least in their hearts, all along.  During those long days and nights or her first two months of her life, when her nerves were too sensitive for them to touch her, God was holding Danae on His chest and it is His loving scent that she remembers so well.

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